First Aid

First aid kits are essential. Businesses use them to treat workplace injuries, and sports professionals will have them to hand to quickly treat injuries sustained. They contain the basic items needed to treat a range of injuries, from cuts and abrasions to sprains and strains. Dressings, bandages, and wraps are all common items you’ll see in a first aid kit, and here at Physiosupplies, we stock all of the essentials so that you can keep your first aid kit topped up.

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Bandages and first aid supplies in Ireland

Bandages are one of the most versatile tools in your first aid kit. They can easily be cut to any length, allowing you to dress the injured area with ease. Elasticated bandages are more flexible as the stretch means that they can conform around the area and provide vital support.

Some injuries require dressing. Our range of absorbent dressings are perfect for the job. The perforated film surface helps to prevent the pad from sticking to the wound, allowing for painless removal. The absorbent layer helps to draw unwanted moisture from the wound and cushions the injury to prevent further damage.

Stocking up on all of the essentials? Here at Physiosupplies, we offer free shipping on all orders over €70. Place your order now and save on delivery!


What should I keep in my first aid kit?

A basic first aid kit contains a variety of items. Items such as plasters, bandages, and dressings are essential, as they are extremely versatile and can help deal with a number of injuries. Healthcare professionals also recommend keeping things like safety pins, alcohol-free cleansing wipes, tweezers, thermometer, antiseptic cream, gloves, painkillers and antihistamine tablets in the kit.


What should I look for in a first aid situation?

There are a number of different steps first raiders will take to assess a medical emergency. Bleeding and broken bones are some of the more obvious signs of distress, but another is breathing. If a patient is not breathing or is having trouble breathing, it could be a sign that something is seriously wrong. First aiders will prevent the deterioration of a patient until medical professionals arrive, and a thorough check of the patient can help with this.


What are bandages used for?

Bandages are used for a variety of purposes, though primarily they are used to hold a dressing in place over a wound. This helps to create pressure over a bleeding wound to stop the bleeding or to secure a splint in place. It is essential for supporting an injury.


Why is wound dressing important?

Wound dressings promote the optimal conditions for healing and protect the wound from infection and further trauma and injury. Keeping the wound clean will prevent infection later on, and a dressing will act as a barrier between the wound and potential contaminants to achieve that.


How often should wounds be dressed?

With standard dressings, it is important to change the dressing daily to ensure hygienic conditions for the wound. Regularly redressing and cleaning the wound is the best way to promote healing and prevent infection.

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