Supports & Braces

Recovering from an injury or trying to alleviate pain and discomfort can be challenging. Rest is key, but getting the right supports and braces can help even more. With a variety of supports available, you can minimise the strain on the joints to reduce further potential damage and ensure your body can recover. With everything from wrist supports, ankle sleeves, and knee braces in Ireland, we here at Physiosupplies can help you on your way to recovery.

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Supports and neck braces in Ireland

One of the most common types of supports you’ll see is the knee brace. Available in a variety of designs, from straps to open patella support and knee sleeves, they reduce movement of the knee cap and support the joint to reduce stress and strain. In turn, this helps to relieve pain caused by an injury.

Another brace you’ll often see is wrist supports. These stabilisers wrap around the wrist and are extremely popular in supporting those with carpal tunnel syndrome or preexisting wrist injuries. From ankle sleeves and neck braces in Ireland, we have a variety of products to help you get back to full fitness again.

At Physiosupplies, we are proud to be 100% Irish-owned. We deliver across Ireland, making it easier than ever for you to stock up on the essentials for your physiotherapy clinic. Buying more products? We offer free delivery on all orders over €70, so buy now to save.


What are the four steps of injury rehabilitation?

When you have injured yourself, you will likely remember the acronym ‘RICE’, which stands for: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. Following these steps can help you to recover following an injury and are a vital part of the process. Many opt to use braces and supports to help with the compression element and to reduce further movement and prevent further damage.


What does a knee brace do?

A knee brace is designed to go around or over the knee to compress the joint, support movement, and manage discomfort. They can be worn under or over clothes, making them ideal for use when you are working to ease pain and discomfort.


Are ankle sleeves effective?

Ankle sleeves are effective at managing pain and injury. Research suggests that using an ankle sleeve can lower reoccurring injuries and reduce the severity of the injury or pain felt. Available in a variety of styles, they can be worn under socks and shoes when out in public or secured around the ankle for much-needed rest and relaxation at home.


How long should you wear a neck brace?

The amount of time you should wear a neck brace for will depend on your healthcare professional’s recommendations and the injury itself. Typically, the range will be between 4 weeks and 6 months, with many experts suggesting that they should not be worn when sleeping unless told otherwise.


What are wrist supports used for?

Wrist supports are used for a variety of injuries including arthritis, wrist tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, fractures, sprains, strains and more. They provide vital protection and support for weakened and painful joints, making them extremely popular.