Green Policy
As a business we try our utmost to have as little impact on the environment as possible. We are very conscious of global warming and pollution and take this into consideration in all our business decisions.
We manage our environmental impact in the following ways:
1) We never print emails or invoices.
2) All internal communication and 99% of it with customers is digital. All our accounting practices are also now fully digital with no need for printed hard copies of invoices or receipts.
3) If we do need to print anything we do so on recycled paper and we print everything double sided.
4) We re-use all our cardboard boxes from suppliers for our own customers and try to recycle as much as we possibly can. If we do need to buy boxes we buy used second hand ones.
5) We recycle as much as we can on a daily basis and we try to keep our energy consumption as low as possible using all LED lights and continuously switching off lights in unoccupied rooms.