How to Use A Bedside Commode

Luxury Commode Chair

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What is a bedside commode?

A bedside commode is a movable toilet that does not use running water. It looks like a chair with a toilet seat and has a bucket or container underneath. The container can be removed for cleaning after the commode is used. A commode can be placed beside the patients bed if a person cannot get to the bathroom. Our Luxury commode has wheels so that it can be rolled away when it is not needed. The wheels should be locked when the person uses the commode to prevent the chair from moving.

Why is a bedside commode needed?

A person may need to use a commode if they need to stay in bed most of the time. A commode is useful if a person is weak or unsteady. If they are at risk of falling, a commode may be safer than walking to the bathroom.

How do I help someone use a bedside commode?

Gather the following supplies:
Disposable gloves
Toilet paper or wipes
Container with warm water

Help a person to use the commode:

Lock the wheels of the commode.
Make sure the container is under the seat.
Put a small amount of water in the container before it is used. This makes it easier to clean the container later.
Help the person out of bed and onto the commode. Use a gait belt if needed.
Stay with the person for safety, or give them a bell to ring when they are done or need help.

When the person is done:
Put on a pair of disposable gloves.
Help the person to stand.
Use toilet paper, wipes, or soap and water to help the person clean their genital area or bottom. Gently towel dry.
Help the person wash and dry their hands.
Help the person back to bed.
Remove the container and take it to the bathroom. Put the toilet seat up and empty the container into the toilet.
Clean the container with a toilet brush, germ-killing cleanser, and water. Rinse well and put the container back under the commode. Remove your gloves and throw them away.

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