What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Insoles for Foot Pain
The term Achilles heel refers to a person's greatest weakness. According to the legend, Achilles's mother dipped him in the river Styx, which made him invulnerable except for the spot his mother held him by — his heel. We are all vulnerable to Achilles heel issues and Achilles Tendonitis can affect people of all ages, causing pain and limited mobility.

Your Achilles tendon runs down the back of your leg and attaches your calf muscle to your heel. Anytime you walk, run or otherwise use your feet, you rely on your Achilles tendons. When a tendon is injured and inflamed, your daily activities are seriously compromised. You can suffer from two types of Achilles Tendonitis: noninsertional and insertional. Noninsertional tendonitis means that the middle of your tendon has small tears and has begun to swell. According to experts, this type of Achilles Tendonitis commonly affects younger people who are physically active. Insertional tendonitis can affect people of all ages, although it often results from years of stress and strain. This condition occurs where the heel and the tendon attach, and it can lead to inflammation, calcified fibers and bone spurs.

If you have Achilles tendonitis, you may notice pain near or above your heel after you've been active. Stair climbing and running may become difficult. Also, you might find the area stiff and sore when you wake up in the morning. Your heel may feel better after you engage in moderate movement. You may also experience tight calf muscles and a "warm" heel.
Bursts of activity after a relatively sedentary time can injure muscle fibers and lead to Achilles tendonitis.

An abrupt increase in exercise can cause injury to the Achilles tendon. For example, you decide to start training for a marathon, or you begin walking everyday from previously doing no exercise at all. The sudden change can cause tears in the tendon. Also, weekend sports warriors may develop this condition as they age. The bursts of activity after a relatively sedentary week can also injure or strain the muscle fibers.

This condition can benefit from the tried and true RICE method: rest, ice, compression and elevation. Our Ankle Cold Compression wraps are perfect for this.
Tight calf muscles can also put pressure on the tendons so it’s highly recommended to use a Foam Roller or Massage Gun to massage and stretch your calves daily. Whether you are a runner or just sit in a chair all day both will cause tight muscles in your legs.
Doctors also recommend several other strategies to help prevent achilles pain. You should only increase your exercise slowly and not burst into sudden, extreme workouts. Always stretch before and after your workouts to help lessen strain on the calf muscles. Additionally, experts recommend alternating exercise routines, combining high- and low-impact activities to vary the forces on your tendons.
Finally, wearing Insoles can also help. The supportive, heel-cradling shape of insoles and footwear can help reduce stress and tension on the Achilles tendon.

To find the right insole, start with your shoes. What type of shoes are you wearing? What you are doing in those shoes? We think you deserve to experience the I-never-knew-my-feet-could-feel-this-good benefits of the Insole shape in all your footwear. That’s why we have Insoles for casual and dress shoes, shoe inserts for high heels, insoles for hiking, insoles for running shoes, and insoles for every day use.
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