
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine and is proving extremely popular in a variety of settings. Using thin needles, you will stimulate acupuncture points and the central nervous system. It is said that this then helps to release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain to encourage your body to heal. Using specialist acupuncture needles is important, and here at Physiosupplies, we stock the DongBang and Meridius needles.

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Buy acupuncture equipment in Ireland

Acupuncture needles are used to target specific areas of the body to encourage and stimulate natural healing abilities. These needles are extremely thin and available in a variety of styles for different purposes. Each is individually wrapped in order to ensure it is clean and sterile before use.

Learning where the acupuncture points are on the body can be challenging, which is why acupuncture models are such a useful tool. They will accurately how the various points on the body and how best to stimulate them. With full models and individual body parts available, you’ll find it easy to understand acupuncture.

Stocking up on the essentials? Here at Physiosupplies, we offer free delivery across Ireland on all orders over €70. Place your order and select ‘free delivery’ at the checkout to take advantage of this offer.


What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine where thin needles are used to stimulate points on the body. This is believed to revitalise the central nervous system, release chemicals in the body, and encourage your body’s natural healing abilities.


What are the benefits of acupuncture?

There are many benefits of acupuncture. Not only is it said to be useful in stimulating your body’s natural healing abilities, but it is also useful for promoting your health and wellbeing. Many report feeling a sense of clarity and increased energy following an acupuncture appointment.


How effective is acupuncture?

A variety of studies have suggested that acupuncture could help to ease various chronic pains and conditions such as knee, neck, and lower back pain. Further studies have also shown that it may help to reduce the frequency of migraines or even prevent them altogether.


How far do acupuncture needles go in?

Although acupuncture needles can appear intimidating, they do not go very far into the skin. Generally, depending on the area and what it is treating, the needles will go between ¼ or ½ inch into the skin.


What shouldn’t you do after acupuncture?

Following an acupuncture session, experts recommend avoiding strenuous activities such as intense exercise. They also suggest forgoing caffeine and alcohol, as these are dehydrating. As tempting as it may be to get junk food, acupuncture specialists state that it is better to resist the urge, as it could add more toxins to the body that you have just worked to eliminate.

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